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Blockchain & IP: A solution cryptoheaven?


Mayo 28, 2021

Hector Chagoya participates in this interesting table topic at the Annual Meeting of the Licensing Executives Society International.

Moderated by Dr. Kilian Schärli, Partner, Meyerlustenberger Lachenal LTD

Topics include:
- Blockchain & IP
- How Blockchain will disrupt - IP management
- IP Use Cases
- Latest Developments

Joined by
- Ralf Kubli, CVVC
- Dan or Erich, IPwe
- Olli Pekonen, Primrose Oy (Finland)
- Christian Czychowski, Nordemann (Germany)
- Laila Paszti, Norton Rose Fulbright (Canada)
- Hector Chagoya Cortes, MEXTRATEGY (Mexico)

Blockchain, Intellectual Property, Smart Contracts

Consultora Mextrategy, SAS de CV

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